What are the types of baseball cap fabrics?
First, from the weaving method: woven, knitted.
1, woven: such as yarn card, canvas and so on.
2, knitting: such as mesh.
the description from the composition of the texture: cotton, polyester
cotton, polyester (chemical fiber), all nitrile, wool nitrile, cotton
and linen, nylon (nylon).
1, cotton: such as yarn card, canvas, poplin.
2, polyester cotton: such as yarn card, canvas, poplin.
3, full polyester: such as peach skin, Chun Yafang, polyester card.
all nitrile: acrylic yarn card (I don't know what to call, there is a
kind of all-acrylic fabric similar to the yarn card, there are similar
to the woolen fabric we often say.)
5, wool nitrile: very familiar, normal use of 85% A / 15% W and 80% A / 20% W. Harder, rougher.
6, cotton and linen: not much
7, nylon (nylon): such as Taslan.
there are many fabrics for baseball caps, they are mainly made of
cotton, while cotton fabrics are mainly made of cotton gauze and canvas.
First, the cotton twill card, there are several commonly used. Usually each fabric has a certain yarn count and density. The yarn count is the thickness of the yarn of the woven fabric (which I understand). Density: The content of the yarn count per unit area, generally 4 square inches. The
larger the number representing the yarn count, the finer the yarn; the
larger the number representing the density, the higher the content, and
vice versa.
Second, cotton canvas: commonly used 2X2 and 2X3.
The canvas is usually plain, one on the other. There
are single and double wefts, there are double warp and double weft,
there are double warp and single weft, and there are strand canvas.
so-called double warp single weft is usually expressed as such,
21+21X10/70X42, the warp yarn is two 21S yarns, and the weft yarn is
for why 2X2 should be represented by 10S/2X2, I also hope that the
experts will dial, and by the way tell me about the conventional density
and weight. There is also 10S/2X3.
Third, cotton poplin: I have almost never used, so I can't say. Probably know that it is plain, similar to canvas, but the yarn is very thin, as if it is used to make a lining or a sweat belt.
Fourth, corduroy: This fabric I know, we commonly used 11 and 14 cotton, that is, one inch has 11 or 14 vertical bars. Then also know that there are elastic, polyester-cotton, viscose, colored cotton, yarn-dyed, frosted, thick
Thin strips, granules, intermittent cuts, flying hairs. So much, it needs to be supplemented by experts.
Polyester cotton series
The above-mentioned cotton products should be found in the polyester/cotton series. What we often say 65/35, 50/50, this is the ratio of polyester to cotton.
Full polyester series
The polyester fabric that I am talking about should be chemical fiber. I don’t know how the experts divide it. There is a kind of polyester yarn card, which is lighter in comparison, and some have a bad smell.
The other is peach skin, Chun Yafang, it should be chemical fiber. Jelly, with plain, twill, satin.